JAVA For WebLogic
JAVA For WebLogic:
Major Providers of JAVA:
Sun JDK Sun java for Weblogic 12c & Tomcat
IBM JDK IBM Java for Websphere
JRockit JDK Oracle java for weblogic 8x 9x 10x 11x
Open JDK Redhat java for JBOSS
JROCKIT as our JAVA. Version 1.6
Sun JDK as our JAVA. Version 1.7
JAVA Installation: CLI
Go to the location.
cd /opt/software/java
Extract the tar file of the JDK 1.7.0_51
$ tar -xvf java_1.7_64.tar
JAVA Installation:
$ tar -xvf java_1.7_64.tar
$ mv /opt/software/java/java /opt/
Uninstallation of Java /opt/java:
$ rm -rf /opt/java
Post installation of JAVA:
Checking the version of JAVA:
$ /opt/java/bin/java -version
java version "1.7.0_51"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)
Setting up Environment Variable for JAVA:
$ set PATH=/opt/java/bin/:$PATH
$ export PATH=/opt/java/bin/:$PATH
$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_51"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)
TO make a permanent entry, * Add only highlighted. Do the set & export in the following file!
# /etc/bashrc
# System wide functions and aliases
# Environment stuff goes in /etc/profile
Vi /etc/bashrc (Root User)
# Environment stuff goes in /etc/profile
# By default, we want this to get set.
# Even for non-interactive, non-login shells.
if [ $UID -gt 99 ] && [ "`id -gn`" = "`id -un`" ]; then
umask 002
umask 022
set PATH=/opt/java/bin/:$PATH
export PATH=/opt/java/bin/:$PATH
# are we an interactive shell?
if [ "$PS1" ]; then
case $TERM in
if [ -e /etc/sysconfig/bash-prompt-xterm ]; then
Note: Restart your system / server.
Thank You!
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