IBM Installation Manager Installation through GUI & CLI

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Installation of Installation Manager for Linux in GUI and CLI/Silent Mode
Step 1: Got to IM package location and execute the command ./install
Step 2: Click Next

Step 3: Accept and click Next

Step 4: Provide the installation location path were you want to install the Installation Manager then click Next

Step 5: Review the summary information and then click Install

Step 6: Installation Manager installation is completed.

Step 7: Check Installation Manager is installed in the given installation Path.

Good You have successfully completed the installation of IBM Installation Manager through GUI mode. Let see how to install in CLI/silent mode.
To install in silent mode execute the below command from IM package directory.
./installc -acceptLicense -installationDirectory /data/ibm/InstallationManager/eclipse

Un-Installation of Installation Manager for Linux in GUI and CLI/Silent Mode

Step 1: Go to /var/ibm/InstallationManager/uninstall and execute "./uninstall" command to get GUI mode to uninstall the IM.

Step 2: Select the package and then click Next

Step 3: Review the summary information and then click Uninstall.

Step 4: Click Finish. Uninstallation of Installation Manager is completed now. Note: this will remove the files and directories under from previously installed location "/data/ibm/InstallationManager"  "/var/ibm/InstallationManager"

Good You have successfully completed uninstall of IBM Installation Manager through GUI mode. Let see how to uninstall in CLI/silent mode.
To uninstall in silent mode execute the below command from IM package directory.
./uninstallc -silent


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