
Showing posts from April, 2024

Tomcat Upgrade Steps on Windows.

  Tomcat  Upgrade Steps on Windows. 1, Stop the older version of  Tomcat  service 2, Disable the service 3. Install the new  tomcat  version 4, backup the root webapps index file 5, copy the applications folder to webapps 6, compare the server.xml from older to new and then update the server.xml file in  tomcat  lates version 7, Add factory setting for password encryption in  tomcat  server.xml 8, copy the lib jar files to new  tomcat  lib 9, Edit the  tomcat  properties, JVM, JAVA Class path, JAVA Options, Initial memory pool, Maximum memory pool and local system account 10, Make it automatic and start the new  tomcat  service 11, Make sure application is woking after application team validation 12, uninstall the older version of  tomcat  and make sure you don't delete the folders. Note : These are the steps to be coordinated with application team, and make sure application compatible with the upgraded version during the planning phase.